
Next-level email confirmation and sign-in is a secure and convenient authentication method that doesn’t require usernames. Nextacular is a company that empowers modern SaaS platforms.

Nextacular is a SaaS boilerplate that simplifies the onboarding process while ensuring user convenience and security. The platform offers an email confirmation and sign-in process, where a magic link is sent to the user’s inbox for confirmation. Nextacular facilitates the process, eliminating the need for usernames and passwords. The platform guarantees a smooth onboarding experience for users.

The tech stack of Nextacular comprises Next.JS, Prisma, Stripe, Tailwind CSS, and other NPM libraries, making it a versatile platform that can be used for client projects. The platform provides extensive documentation and changelogs, ensuring easy reference and updates.

Nextacular is an open-source project distributed under the MIT license, allowing developers to contribute, given the contribution guidelines provided in the repository. Development support is available through Twitter and email. The platform has numerous ways to support the project, such as sponsorship or contributing skills.

In case of any issues or support, Nextacular offers bug reporting through email and Github repository, and development support via email and Twitter DM. Although TypeScript support is not currently available, contact information is provided for further assistance.

Nextacular empowers the creation of modern Next.JS SaaS products, with access to Github, Discord, Twitter, Docs, and Blog. Development of the platform is continually updated and improved in 2022. All rights reserved by Nextacular.

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