Turbojet is a powerful and flexible SaaS boilerplate for building secure and reliable web apps quickly and easily.

Turbojet is a SaaS boilerplate that provides a powerful yet simple platform for creating web applications. Its flexibility and unopinionated approach allow for customization of libraries, data models, and folder structures. Turbojet’s architecture is based on industry best practices, making it easy to get applications up and running quickly. Users can create teams, invite others, and set permissions through the Teams/Accounts feature. Additionally, Turbojet’s Bring Your Own DB feature supports popular databases like Postgres, MySQL, and SQL Server. The admin dashboard is available out-of-the-box for managing accounts and users, while the Stripe integration provides support for subscriptions and a wide range of payment setups. Turbojet is designed with industry-standard security and privacy best practices, and pre-made emails for authentication, sign-up, and help are included. Testing is included out-of-the-box to ensure a rock-solid app, and it’s effortless to change the theme of the application to match your specific business. Turbojet’s clean UI/UX design and easy-to-understand structure make it simple yet powerful, allowing users to focus on developing their products.